BETA Tokend available: CAC-NG (Leopard Mac OS X 10.5.6+) December 2, 2009

SmartCardServices - “CAC-NG” Tokend

The SmartCardServices Project Team is pleased to provide access to the *BETA* for CAC Next Generation (a.k.a. CAC-NG) Tokend support for Mac OS X 10.5 “Leopard”. Support for Snow Leopard is forth coming, but you can proceed to test with your Mac OS X 10.5.6+ machines with this installation.


CAC-NG Smart Cards

The following is an excerpt taken directly from the “DoD Implementation Guide for CAC Next Generation (NG), v2.5, November 2006”.

The DoD CAC Environment

The PIV transitional, as defined in SP 800-73, is added to the existing CAC v2 card as an additional data model in conjunction with other evolutions such as the purse and access control. This CAC with PIV is called the CAC Next Generation (NG). The CAC NG is the first and most significant step towards the PIV end point solution.

The PIV solution is implemented on the DoD CAC NG, but is largely separate and distinct from the DoD multi-application CAC. It will evolve at its own pace but in the same environment.

The purpose and function of the CAC NG is much broader than the focused interoperability function of the PIV. In 1999, Congress directed the Secretary of Defense to implement smart card technology within the DoD with the objective of increasing efficiency, security, and readiness. The result has been the creation of the CAC. The baseline functionality of the CAC is to (1) provide for logical access to computer systems, (2) provide personnel identification, (3) enable physical access to buildings, and (4) PKI for signing, encryption, and non-repudiation. The CAC is the standard identification card for active duty military personnel, Selected Reservists, DoD civilian employees, and eligible contractor personnel.

The CAC NG is a multi-application smart card. It serves as a token for PK identity, email, and encryption certificates. Additionally, it contains a linear barcode, two-dimensional barcode, magnetic stripe, color digital photograph, and printed text.



Smart Card Tokend Installation

  • CAC-NG


Source Code Posting

Source Code corresponding to this tokend beta has not yet been posted, but will be in the near future at: